Forms & Updates to Student Information
Volunteer Information
Student/Parent Handbook
Pick up student ASP registration forms from the front office.
Student Health Information
Medical Authorization Form - English
Medical Authorization Form - Spanish
Action Plans:
Authorization to Carry Emergency Medication and/or Medical Technology Equipment
Authorization to Carry Emergency Medication and/or Medical Technology Equipment - SPANISH
Lice Control Guidelines - English
Cherokee County School District Health Guidelines Lice Control The Cherokee County School District has established the following guidelines in order to prevent the spread of lice to uninfested students. These guidelines have been established to protect the health of the entire student population as well as to protect the feeling and emotional well-being of identified students.
- Students identified as having an active infestation of lice will be handled in a discreet and sensitive manner at all times.
- Any student identified with lice will be isolated from uninfested students. Attempts will be made to contact parents to pick up the child for immediate treatment.
- Parents will be informed that the child may not return to school until either:
- The child’s hair has been treated so that there are no longer lice or eggs(nits) present, or
- The parents provide a written statement from a physician or the Health Department verifying that the child is no longer contagious.
- All treated students will be rechecked upon their return, even if they present a letter of clearance. Obviously, if any live lice are found, the verification procedure will begin again.
- Parents who continue to send their children to school without following the prescribed treatment procedures or who fail to send their children back to school treated in a reasonable amount of time will be referred to the proper authorities. Children sent to school in violation of this guideline will be liable for prosecution for criminal trespass.
Lice Control Guidelines - Spanish
Distrito Escolar Del Condado de Cherokee Normas Sanitarias Control de Piojos El Distrito Escolar del condado de Cherokee ha establecido las siguientes normas para prevenir la propagación de piojos entre los alumnos que no se hayan contagiado. Estas normas fueron establecidas para proteger la salud de toda la comunidad estudiantil como así también los sentimientos y bienestar emocional de los alumnos identificados.
- En todo momento, se tratará con discreción y sensibilidad a los alumnos que estén sufriendo una infestación activa de piojos.
- Cuando se detecte a un alumno infestado con piojos, se lo separará de los otros alumnos. Se intentará contactar a los padres para que vengan a buscarlo y comience inmediatamente el tratamiento.
- Se informará a los padres que el alumno no podrá regresar a la escuela hasta que ocurra una de las siguientes dos alternativas:
- El cabello del niño ha sido tratado y ya no tiene liendres, ó
- Los padres proveen una declaración escrita por un médico o el Departamento de Salud, en la que se verifica que el niño ya no puede contagiar.
- Todos los alumnos tratados serán revisados nuevamente al regresar a la escuela, aún si presentan la nota con el visto bueno. Obviamente, si se encuentran liendres vivas, el procedimiento de verificación comenzará otra vez.
- Los padres que continúen enviando a sus hijos a la escuela sin seguir los procedimientos de tratamiento prescriptos, o que envíen a sus hijos antes de haberlos tratado por un tiempo razonable, serán remitidos a las autoridades competentes. Los alumnos que sean enviados a la escuela, en infracción de esta norma, estarán expuestos a un proceso judicial por ingreso ilegal a la propiedad.
State-Required Immunizations for Purposes of Student Enrollment (PDF)
School Nutrition
The USDA has not extended grant funding to allow for CCSD School Nutrition to provide breakfasts and lunches to students at no cost to students and their families for the 2023-24 school year. CCSD will return to providing meals at no cost or reduced cost only to families who qualify based on income. The online application for Free and Reduced Meals in Cherokee County School District is now open.
Free and Reduced Price ONLINE Meal Application
WHY TO APPLY: Five Ways Free/Reduced Meals Status Helps Your Child and Your School